Temera: 2020 in review
2020 will be a memorable year for an obvious reason. But that didn’t stop us from having more fascinating adventures at Temera. Here are our highlights.
Sure, everything has been changed in virtual with video-conf all time round, but 2020 is also a year that we will always remember as a period of vulnerability. Of versatility. Of a renewed vision. It has been a year of empathy, adopting new ways of working and helping our customers to shape experiences around the needs of an unstoppable evolving market.
Even though we couldn’t see each other in person, 2020 was a year defined by connection. Driven by our aspiration to elevate the human experience through innovation, our teams across the globe learned how to connect in new ways: with each other, with clients, and with friends and family. We joined the diverse parts of our business from strategy and design to technology implementation and services to connect our clients with the potential in theirs, even in the most challenging circumstances.
For Temera, 2020 proved to be an extremely busy year. We have selected 10 important events, to look back and take stock of the situation:
1) Eleventh Temera’s anniversary
All of our clients and friends around the globe knows it: we love to party!
June has always been the magical moment of the year in which we managed to bring together the most significant actors of innovation in the Fashion & Luxury industry in the heart of Mugello, spending two days together that alternate playful moments with large tables where we discuss in a convivial about a future made possible thanks to the latest advances in technology.
Obviously we did not have the opportunity to stage the program we had in store; however we managed to meet a small group of friends during the month of September, thanks to the event organized in collaboration with EPSON where we debated about what happened during the year, highlighting new needs and designing together new scenarios for a possible future.

2) ReInvent marketing campaign
It was the year in which we launched a real communication campaign. We did it with the purpose of stimulating a creative thought aimed at thinking differently and Re-Inventing oneself.
During lockdown in March we developed some sort of ‘nerve center‘ to rethink communication with our customers and through a network of close contacts. We told them about the evolution of the pandemic and suggested best practices to solve concrete problems for luxury companies. We got used to thinking differently and looking at things from another perspective: from there we got the inspiration for the communication campaign (and beyond).

3) Everything Customer & Virtual Store
Restrictive travel and contact measures have accelerated the process of defining what Gartner® named ‘Everything Customer‘.
A mindset rather than a real market segment, a new way of approaching the services offered and “possible” with the aim of obtaining everything and more.
In this context, we figured out the need for brands to build new innovative touchpoints easy to build and capable to cover new contact and shopping habits. For this reason we launched our initiative by making available to luxury companies TVS (Temera Virtual Store) an advanced Live Commerce platform characterized by flexibility, simplicity in scaling and above all extremely fast adoption times.

It is priceless to walk hands on hands with clients on daring projects. For someone, 2020 was marked with expansion and growth, those who managed to throw their hearts over the obstacle: this is the case of SOTF and the new opening in Forte Dei Marmi.
The acronym already says a lot about this concept: Store Of The Future and is conceived for the use of RFID - UHF technology. The space has a radical, hyper-contemporary aesthetic, with two intelligent test capsules that counterbalance the display wall. Using one of the smart dressing rooms, the system recognizes the choice of product and displays the details of the selection on the iPad.
In Temera we envisioned a very strong evolutionary path for the experience of visiting and buying in a physical store. From shopping experience to “human experience” everything is reflected in the environment which becomes more and more personal and aims to transform the time spent in the store into a moment of pleasure and fun. And we expect to see a strong acceleration in the development of similar solutions in the near future.

5) t!Insight and the power from DATA
We have concentrated a large part of our investments in bringing to maturity the Decision Intelligence platform branded Temera: the tool that allowed us to give our customers the ability to analyze what previously were invisible phenomena and consequently organize their business processes to obtain better results.
Knowing how to value information is what allows you to present yourself on time, with the right arsenal of tools available and get the best from changed market conditions.
The ‘digital voice’ of each product helps to raise the overall intelligence of the system by generating the data set necessary to understand the phenomena in real time and react immediately in order to serve and satisfy increasingly demanding customers.
In a year where routines have been interrupted and everything has been questioned, we are happy to have accompanied many of our customers on a path of better awareness upon their data and we expect to capitalize on these experiences to design increasingly resilient and responsive processes.
6) Second Hand Market blooms – MCQ case study
It’s a long time we have been committed to building solutions that promote a more responsible vision of industrial and commercial activities in the Fashion & Luxury world.
By crossing one of the fastest growing consumerism habit, we were able to build together with our friend from Everledger a solution voted to enable and promote the exchange of products in the second-hand market as a circular economy practice.
The MCQ case study arrived in September and has been disruptive! Thanks to the launch of the MYMCQ platform, a unique system of its kind that uses blockchain and NFC technology to unlock innovative features, users can browse historical information, and crawl across a multimedia hub where anyone can interact with the brand, access behind-the-scenes content, interviews with collaborators and other creatives within the MCQ community and more.
An evolutionary step that marks an absolute milestone for Alexander McQueen as a pioneer in the adoption of highly innovative solutions.

7) t!Conveyor and resilient Supply Chain
Another very important partnership in 2020 has allowed us to bring to light innovative tools capable of enhancing the adoption of RFID technology: we’re talking about our friends from MHART, specialists in the design, production and integration of aerial handling systems for the management of clothing.
The target customers of t!Conveyor solution are companies in the Fashion & Luxury sector operating in the production and logistics sector that need automated, flexible, scalable and high-performance solutions for the management of their internal processes. t!Conveyor is functional to every aspect of omnichannel distribution - from wholesale to retail, from ecommerce to return management – and allows full flexibility in the growth of volumes and orders.
t!Conveyor system is born fully integrated with Temera Stylewhere platform, the exclusive technological enabler able to guide the digital authentication of products and track them along the entire value chain.

8) Growth Champion – TOP SECRET
During September CEO Arcangelo D’Onofrio had the opportunity to tell the story behing Temera thanks to an interview in Top Secret, column from Business24 dedicated to successful entrepreneurs.
And speaking of successes, 2020 crowned our company once again (for the third consecutive year) Growth Champion according to Statista and prestigious italian economic newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.
A significant milestone for our goals and to continue the path of growth undertaken. It is the reckless spirit that permeates our DNA to let us achieve this success. The same spirit that our Developers, BAs, PMs and colleagues all share.
It is thanks to these extraordinary people that we aim straight to realize our mission: to give a digital voice to products and enhance the story that derives from it, helping our customers to make the best decisions.
Innovate whatever it takes, in a bold way .. even during this complicated 2020.

9) GoGreen! Geospirit case study
Throughout the year we have continued our commitment to greater attention to environmental sustainability. It is no coincidence that this has led us to work with a brand that contains in its DNA the essence of the green motto par excellence: Geospirit, the spirit of the Earth.
Having already become famous in the 90s with the first recyclable jacket, the Tuscan brand has launched a new concept of outerwear linked to a 360 ° eco-sustainability theme. Thus, an entirely fur-free collection with synthetic or recycled down takes shape, where every phase of realization, from design, to production, to packaging is designed to combine the needs of comfort, functionality and style of the outerwear garment with a responsible use of environmental resources.
As proof of this commitment, and with a view to transparency towards the final consumer, Geospirit has decided to adopt the solution “Verified by VIRGO“, by equipping their garments with an NFC tag integrated into the logo affixed to the sleeve of the garments that allows them to interact with the blockchain network built by Temera with our partners from PWC, Luxochain and VarGroup.
We are proud to have worked in 2020 to break down the confidence barrier with consumers. The adoption of transparency practices made possible thanks to the Virgo network brings a wave of innovation that is also good for the planet.

10) Mixing innovation with craftmanship: Dolce & Gabbana case study
It has come to the end of a complicated year, but we must admit that it made us reread the work done with greater serenity and with great satisfaction.
We’re talking about our case study with Dolce & Gabbana, a brand that has always been an ambassador of Made in Italy in the world in perfect balance between tradition and innovation. And which has been able to bet on the virtualization of the most significant experiences, from the DG Digital Show to the innovative Virtual Boutique made possible thanks to the TVS platform.
The solution designed to offer customers an immersive and engaging shopping experience, which goes beyond the geographical limits of in-store purchases thanks to the potential of digital. Initially, the virtual boutique experience was implemented with the stores in Osaka, Japan, and Chadstone, Australia, as well as the Italian offices in Rome and Venice. Now the space has been expanded to include Paris as well, with the shop on rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré.
It’s been a reason of great satisfaction in Temera to see how one of our solutions has made it still possible to consumers from all over the world to “travel” in coveted and exclusive locations, albeit in virtual mode.

People have the power!
It is not to quote Patti Smith’s iconic 80s track, but to highlight how these exciting results are only possible thanks to the commitment of a fantastic team.
I Temerari
It is only thanks to people of such great value that we can look back in 2020 remembering it as a year of uncertainty and sacrifices but also as a year in which we have found a new way to evolve.
Jousting between remote work, meetings at unlikely times between family commitments and daily duties, rigorous compliance with safety regulations when we have had the opportunity to move to visit our customers; every single person of our marvellous team has played a fundamental role. And we want to thank everyone.
p.s. as for anyone who posts group photos, ours also dates back to the times when we could still hug. And we’ll be back to do it soon!

Together, towards a bright future!
Agility and creativity have always been fundamental traits that characterize the way we face everyday challenges. But in this unprecedented year, the daring qualities of our team have proved more important than ever.
Thanks to everyone for the tenacity that made us think of a possible future, and made us work to make it brilliant!