t!Circular, Temera’s new challenge is all about circular economy
Blog 21/02/2022

t!Circular, Temera’s new challenge is all about circular economy


A business model based on the circular economy, which reduces waste and uses resources more efficiently, has already become a must for many fashion and luxury companies.


By 2023, in some countries France among them it will no longer be possible to destroy unsold goods; once the function of a product is finished, the materials that compose it will have to be reused in the economic cycle, so as to generate further value. As long as possible.

Temera has always strived for a radical change in favour of the environment and sustainability. From this commitment comes t!Circular, a solution that facilitates the recovery and identification of unsold items to introduce them into a new production model.

Here’s how:

  • the item with tag that remains unsold goes back in stock
  • t!Circular collects the traceability information from the product matrix
  • the item is disassembled to recover and store the reusable elements
  • the recovered material is marked and made traceable through a 3D vision system
  • the same elements are therefore ready to be used on new products via upcycling

In the case of untagged articles at an early stage t!Circular recognizes the model code and acquires its BOM. And from this moment on, the process repeats itself.

Other than the storytelling and communication activities, what makes the difference are the concrete actions that the fashion and luxury sector must implement to foster a culture based on the circular economy to protect the environment. The commitment to sustainability has now become essential to build trust and loyalty of an audience that is attentive to environmental policies.

Unlike in the past, the new generations are highly sensitive to the side effects of their consumption, especially when it comes to reducing carbon production. 43% of Gen Z declares to choose brands that have a solid reputation in terms of environmental commitment (source: BoF – The State of Fashion 2022). For these social and environmental dynamics Temera has launched other projects with this focus such as Item (Love) Alberi and T!care.

In this landscape, t!Circular becomes an ideal tool to ensure, in a systemic way, the acceleration of the new culture of upcycling in favour of the circular economy.