Anticipating the transition in the market, building task forces involving governments, measuring the impact of policies by sharing minimum data for all, stimulating in Italian luxury chains the commitment to be "a vanguard of sustainability"- these are the recommendations addressed to institutions and players in the fashion supply chain that emerged from the conference.
As explained by Carlo Cici, Head of Sustainability Practices at Ambrosetti, the firm that presented the "Sustainability Report" by consulting more than 2,500 companies' financial statements, among other sources, "What cannot be measured cannot be studied. That is why it is important to collect data to understand what impact policies applied to sustainability can have, including by starting the collection on a minimum data set: minimum wages, water consumption, chemical consumption and greenhouse gas emissions."
"The commitment of companies must be a priority," continued Arcangelo D'Onofrio in his articulate speech, "Italian and French brands must lead the way in traceability and transparency; there is no more room for luxury that is not aware of the need for an ecological transition, which can no longer be postponed".