Manifesto Temera

Temera's manifesto

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The context

In an era defined by heightened consumer consciousness, transparency is crucial.

Commitment to traceability empowers consumers to make informed purchasing decisions, confident in the knowledge of a product’s origins, materials, and manufacturing processes.

Leading a revolution in the fashion industry, we aim to transform it into a pillar of sustainability, ethical excellence, and circularity. With our journey starting 15 years ago, we envision a future where every garment tells a story of responsible sourcing, meticulous craftsmanship, and enduring quality, contributing to a less wasteful and more circular industry.

Embracing circularity is imperative to guide the fashion industry towards positive change. At the forefront of sustainable fashion lies the necessity to incorporate traceability and circularity in business operations: replacing linear models with closed-loop systems, prioritizing resource efficiency, recycling, and material reuse to decisively cut waste.


What we envision

To achieve this, companies must prioritize cross-functional collaboration, invest in technology infrastructure, and foster a culture of innovation.

As a company, our primary goal is to guide brands in all steps towards sustainability: from conducting flow analysis to data collection and certification, all with the aim of enabling true traceability.

By optimizing procedures and fostering accountability, we actively drive positive change within the industry while ensuring alignment with emerging regulatory standards.

Brands must take action to ensure a healthy supply chain and demonstrate a genuine commitment to sustainability. The journey towards sustainability begins at the source, where brands have the power to shape a brighter future.

Brands must trace the origins and certifications of raw materials, ensuring transparency and accountability for each item towards the planet and its people. By verifying the sustainability credentials of their supply chain, brands empower themselves to make informed decisions and enable consumers to make conscious choices.

By meticulously tracking every stage of the supply chain and leveraging technology as a gateway between the physical and digital realms, a Digital Twin of the product is generated. This serves as a repository for factual information about the product, ensuring transparency and accuracy. Through Digital Twins and end-of-life management services, brands can decompose products and trace sub-components, facilitating reuse and recycling.

The benefits

Enhance brand reputation, foster consumer loyalty, and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
By aligning sustainability with core business objectives, new opportunities for growth, differentiation, and long-term value creation are unlocked.

The pledge

We commit to revolutionizing sustainable luxury fashion by seamlessly integrating creativity and cutting-edge technology across the entire lifecycle of products, from upstream to downstream processes.

Temera leads the way, guiding brands to:

  • Achieve positive social and environmental impact: Creating top benefits for the planet and stakeholders.

  • Embrace full-cycle sustainability: Providing tools and strategies for traceability and ethical practices, from end to end.

  • Excel in every stage:Ensuring sustainable and ethical standards throughout the entire supply chain, with a focus on raw material sourcing where we can make the most significant impact.

  • Preserving the planet and promoting ethical practices, we engage a forward-thinking audience

Tracing a product’s life-cycle is like telling its story, and Temera’s story is all about traceability and pioneering sustainable solutions in the fashion industry.

Manifesto's Pillars

Transparency is Imperative

In an era of heightened consumer consciousness, transparency is no longer optional.

Empowerment Through Traceability

Traceability allows consumers to understand the origins and certifications of materials and manufacturing processes, leading to informed purchasing decision.

Every Garment Tells a Story

Each garment should tell a story of responsible sourcing, meticulous craftsmanship, and enduring quality.

Embrace Circularity

To combat fashion’s waste problem and drive sustainability, we must embrace circularity and closed-loop systems.

Resource Efficiency is Key

Prioritizing resource efficiency, recycling, and material reuse is essential to decisively cut waste.

Collaboration and Innovation

Cross-functional collaboration, investment in technology infrastructure, and fostering a culture of innovation are key to achieving sustainability.

Lead the Journey

Brands must lead the journey towards sustainability by ensuring a healthy supply chain and demonstrating genuine commitment from the source.

Ensure Accountability

Tracing the origins and certifications of raw materials ensures transparency and accountability for each item.

Empower Conscious Choices

Verifying the sustainability credentials of the supply chain empowers both brands and consumers to make conscious choices.

Leverage Technology

Leveraging technology to generate a Digital Twin of products optimizes product lifecycle, fosters responsibility, enhances brand reputation, cultivates consumer loyalty and unlocks growth opportunities.