Gender equality in the tech world: women balancing between progress and stereotypes
Blog 08/03/2023

Gender equality in the tech world: women balancing between progress and stereotypes


On the occasion of March 8th, Temera, together with the Beontag group, reflects on the path that women have long begun for their emancipation, reaffirming the desire to consider a new way of working towards a desirable gender equality. There is still a long way to go for gender equality, especially in the field of technology. According to a recent study by Revelio Labs, the institute that analyzes trends and dynamics of the workforce in the world, women are primarily affected by the wave of layoffs affecting the Big Tech companies in Silicon Valley, who generally hold less "technical" roles, with lower levels of specialization and are therefore more likely to be dismissed than male colleagues.

The world of work has been put to the test by the digital transformation of recent years: a pioneering phase whose changes are still ongoing, but which leave behind old stereotypes, which primarily affect women. Responsibilities, roles, and remuneration are still far from considering the female universe on a par with the male one. In Italy, Bocconi University conducted a study according to which our country ranked 25th out of 28 European Union countries for digital gender equality, only ahead of Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria. If it is true that over 60% of future professions do not exist today, and we should expect that new jobs will be almost all related to technology, it is necessary to implement plans to include female personnel in terms of training, equal opportunities, and career advancement. 

Temera applies a rigorous protocol, committing itself like its parent company Beontag, to ensure gender equality in the workplace. In line with the United Nations' guidelines, it has development goals that include achieving 50% of women in managerial positions by 2030, with at least 40% of total human resources being composed of women. Temera will privilege female performances in its corporate storytelling and news, telling stories of women and highlighting their skills in dedicated case histories, encouraging the companies with which it collaborates to develop awareness for achieving gender equality.

Let's celebrate INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY with the many women who work in our reality, in a non-formal way, but with the intention of self-responsibilization, so as not to lose sight of this issue.

We have conducted a video interview that tells how, fortunately, fewer and fewer job positions considered predominantly "male" are actually successfully held by women.Click here to see the full video!