Discussions revealed that we cannot improve what we cannot measure, and we cannot measure what we cannot trace. Tracking the life cycle of a product means reducing risks by quickly identifying the value chain links that need intervention. Traceability, therefore, allows for the measurement of a product's environmental and social impact, enabling companies to improve their ethical standards and ecological performance.
Francesco Pieri, Managing Director of Temera, highlighted the company’s expertise in these crucial topics for fashion and luxury enterprises, retracing the fifteen-year history of the Temera brand, now a European leader in IoT solutions. “Temera was founded in 2009,” said Pieri, “from the intuition of Arcangelo D’Onofrio, whom I had the honor to join from the beginning of this adventure. Just a few months earlier, Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, the largest in U.S. history, marking the start of one of the most profound and global financial crises. We were true temerarious to found our company at that time, but we entered the market not to invent what didn’t exist but to make the best use of the technology we had learned to understand, to solve problems that companies didn’t know they had yet.”