The T.manufacturing module enables the management of the crucial process of product serialisation.
Thanks to T.manufacturing, the encoding of RFID tags linked to physical products takes place, assigning each of them a Unique ID and creating its Digital Twin.
In addition, T.manufacturing enables the timely tracking of production activities through the use of the MPM phase advancement module, direct management of encoding activities at production plants, packing management activities.
Business Needs
The tangible benefits range from production management, to real time control of work phases, to optimisation of production logistics.
- Encoding and product serialisation
- Accuracy in the management of production levels
- Acceleration Time to Market
- Reduction of downtime
T.manufacturing: come ottenere la massima produttività
Grazie alla mappatura dei dati della catena di produzione, la piattaforma è in grado di tracciare tutte le fasi della lavorazione.
T.manufacturing consente di associare al prodotto finito il suo touch point fisico, generando la sua identità digitale univoca (Encoding)